Rakdos Turbo Reanimator

559 Days to go

Planeswalker 3 Creature 18 Instant 6 Enchantment 6 Artifact 4 Land 23 Rarity 13 14 33 15

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Planeswalker 3
3 Liliana of the Veil
Creature 18
4 Artillery Enthusiast
4 Bloodtithe Harvester
2 Chaos Balor
2 The Hourglass Coven
4 Titan of Industry
2 Toxrill, the Corrosive
Instant 6
4 Assemble from Parts
2 Infernal Grasp
Enchantment 6
4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker
2 The Elder Dragon War
Artifact 4
4 Altar of Bhaal
Land 23
4 Mountain
7 Swamp
4 Sulfurous Springs
4 Haunted Ridge
4 Forsaken Crossroads
2 Viconia, Nightsinger's Disciple
2 Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant
2 Toxrill, the Corrosive
2 Cut Down
2 Duress
2 Molten Impact
3 Pithing Needle
Deck 3 Liliana of the Veil (DMU) 97 4 Artillery Enthusiast (Y22) 18 4 Bloodtithe Harvester (VOW) 232 2 Chaos Balor (HBG) 49 2 The Hourglass Coven (HBG) 45 4 Titan of Industry (SNC) 159 2 Toxrill, the Corrosive (VOW) 132 4 Assemble from Parts (Y22) 25 2 Infernal Grasp (MID) 107 4 Altar of Bhaal (HBG) 139 4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker (NEO) 141 2 The Elder Dragon War (DMU) 121 4 Mountain (DAR) 262 7 Swamp (DAR) 258 4 Sulfurous Springs (DMU) 256 4 Haunted Ridge (MID) 263 4 Forsaken Crossroads (Y22) 63 Sideboard 2 Viconia, Nightsinger's Disciple (HBG) 11 2 Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant (NEO) 59 2 Toxrill, the Corrosive (VOW) 132 2 Cut Down (DMU) 89 2 Duress (XLN) 105 2 Molten Impact (Y22) 22 3 Pithing Needle (MID) 257
Deck 3 Liliana do Véu (DMU) 97 4 Entusiasta de Artilharia (Y22) 18 4 Coletor do Dízimo de Sangue (VOW) 232 2 Balor do Caos (HBG) 49 2 Conventículo da Ampulheta (HBG) 45 4 Titã da Indústria (SNC) 159 2 Toxrill, a Corrosiva (VOW) 132 4 Montar as Peças (Y22) 25 2 Garras Infernais (MID) 107 4 Altar de Bhaal (HBG) 139 4 Fábula do Quebrador de Espelhos (NEO) 141 2 A Guerra dos Dragões Anciões (DMU) 121 4 Montanha (DAR) 262 7 Pântano (DAR) 258 4 Fontes Sulfurosas (DMU) 256 4 Cordilheira Assombrada (MID) 263 4 Encruzilhada Esquecida (Y22) 63 Reserva 2 Viconia, Discípula da Cantora Noturna (HBG) 11 2 Jin-Gitaxias, Tirano do Progresso (NEO) 59 2 Toxrill, a Corrosiva (VOW) 132 2 Elidir (DMU) 89 2 Coagir (XLN) 105 2 Impacto Fundente (Y22) 22 3 Agulha Medular (MID) 257
Deck 3 Liliana del Velo (DMU) 97 4 Artillero entusiasta (Y22) 18 4 Cosechador de diezmos de sangre (VOW) 232 2 Balor del caos (HBG) 49 2 El Aquelarre del Reloj de Arena (HBG) 45 4 Titán de la industria (SNC) 159 2 Rastrotóxico, el Corrosivo (VOW) 132 4 Ensamblar las partes (Y22) 25 2 Agarre infernal (MID) 107 4 Altar de Bhaal (HBG) 139 4 Fábula del rompe espejos (NEO) 141 2 La guerra de los dragones ancianos (DMU) 121 4 Montaña (DAR) 262 7 Pantano (DAR) 258 4 Manantiales sulfurosos (DMU) 256 4 Risco embrujado (MID) 263 4 Encrucijada abandonada (Y22) 63 Sideboard 2 Viconia, discípula de la Cantora Nocturna (HBG) 11 2 Jin-Gitaxias, tirano del progreso (NEO) 59 2 Rastrotóxico, el Corrosivo (VOW) 132 2 Destrizar (DMU) 89 2 Coacción (XLN) 105 2 Impacto ígneo (Y22) 22 3 Aguja medular (MID) 257