Sultai Oracle Turns

559 Days to go

Creature 9 Instant 6 Sorcery 13 Enchantment 5 Land 27 Rarity 8 14 32 6

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Creature 9
1 Viconia, Nightsinger's Disciple
4 Oracle of the Alpha
2 Saiba Syphoner
2 Micromancer
Instant 6
1 Wash Away
1 March of Wretched Sorrow
4 Go for the Throat
Enchantment 5
4 Shigeki, Jukai Visionary
1 Glorious Sunrise
Sorcery 13
4 Dig Up
1 Urborg Repossession
4 Assemble the Team
2 Malicious Malfunction
2 Drag to the Bottom
Land 27
3 Forest
3 Island
1 Swamp
4 Yavimaya Coast
3 Shipwreck Marsh
3 Deathcap Glade
4 Raffine's Tower
4 Ziatora's Proving Ground
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
1 Boseiju, Who Endures
Deck 1 Viconia, Nightsinger's Disciple (HBG) 11 4 Shigeki, Jukai Visionary (NEO) 206 4 Oracle of the Alpha (Y23) 4 2 Saiba Syphoner (Y22) 11 2 Micromancer (DMU) 57 1 Wash Away (VOW) 87 1 March of Wretched Sorrow (NEO) 111 4 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102 4 Dig Up (VOW) 197 1 Urborg Repossession (DMU) 114 4 Assemble the Team (Y23) 17 2 Malicious Malfunction (NEO) 110 2 Drag to the Bottom (DMU) 91 1 Glorious Sunrise (VOW) 200 3 Forest (DAR) 266 3 Island (DAR) 254 1 Swamp (DAR) 258 4 Yavimaya Coast (DMU) 261 3 Shipwreck Marsh (MID) 267 3 Deathcap Glade (VOW) 261 4 Raffine's Tower (SNC) 254 4 Ziatora's Proving Ground (SNC) 261 1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (NEO) 278 1 Boseiju, Who Endures (NEO) 266
Deck 1 Viconia, Discípula da Cantora Noturna (HBG) 11 4 Shigeki, Visionário Jukai (NEO) 206 4 Oráculo do Alfa (Y23) 4 2 Extrator Saiba (Y22) 11 2 Micromante (DMU) 57 1 Lavar (VOW) 87 1 Marcha da Tristeza Miserável (NEO) 111 4 Atacar na Jugular (BRO) 102 4 Desencavar (VOW) 197 1 Reintegração de Urborg (DMU) 114 4 Reunir a Equipe (Y23) 17 2 Anomalia Maligna (NEO) 110 2 Arrastar para o Fundo (DMU) 91 1 Nascer do Sol Glorioso (VOW) 200 3 Floresta (DAR) 266 3 Ilha (DAR) 254 1 Pântano (DAR) 258 4 Costa de Yavimaya (DMU) 261 3 Charco do Naufrágio (MID) 267 3 Clareira da Cicuta Verde (VOW) 261 4 Torre de Raffine (SNC) 254 4 Campo de Provas de Ziatora (SNC) 261 1 Takenuma, Charco Abandonado (NEO) 278 1 Boseiju, a Persistente (NEO) 266
Deck 1 Viconia, discípula de la Cantora Nocturna (HBG) 11 4 Shigeki, visionario de Jukai (NEO) 206 4 Oráculo de las alfas (Y23) 4 2 Extractor de Saiba (Y22) 11 2 Micromante (DMU) 57 1 Entregar al mar (VOW) 87 1 Marcha de la tristeza amarga (NEO) 111 4 Golpe a la garganta (BRO) 102 4 Desentierro (VOW) 197 1 Reposesión de Urborg (DMU) 114 4 Reunir al equipo (Y23) 17 2 Fallo malintencionado (NEO) 110 2 Arrastrar a las profundidades (DMU) 91 1 Amanecer glorioso (VOW) 200 3 Bosque (DAR) 266 3 Isla (DAR) 254 1 Pantano (DAR) 258 4 Costa de Yavimaya (DMU) 261 3 Cenagal de naufragios (MID) 267 3 Claro de muertehongos (VOW) 261 4 Torre de Raffine (SNC) 254 4 Zona de entrenamiento de Ziatora (SNC) 261 1 Takenuma, pantanos abandonados (NEO) 278 1 Boseiju, la que perdura (NEO) 266