Azorius Oracle of the Alpha

574 Days to go

Planeswalker 5 Creature 6 Instant 16 Sorcery 5 Artifact 2 Land 26 Rarity 22 11 33 9

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Planeswalker 5
2 The Wandering Emperor
3 Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset
Creature 6
4 Oracle of the Alpha
1 Herald of Vengeance
1 A-Hullbreaker Horror
Instant 16
2 Fragment Reality
2 Fateful Absence
4 Seek New Knowledge
2 Undersimplify
4 Teferi's Contingency
2 Discover the Formula
Sorcery 5
3 Divine Purge
2 Depopulate
Artifact 2
2 Key to the Archive
Land 26
7 Island
7 Plains
4 Adarkar Wastes
4 Deserted Beach
2 Forsaken Crossroads
1 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
1 Herald of Vengeance
1 A-Hullbreaker Horror
2 Negate
2 Essence Scatter
2 Destroy Evil
2 Runic Shot
2 Sunset Revelry
3 Lantern of the Lost
Deck 2 The Wandering Emperor (NEO) 42 3 Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset (MID) 245 4 Oracle of the Alpha (Y23) 4 1 Herald of Vengeance (Y22) 2 1 A-Hullbreaker Horror (VOW) 359 2 Fragment Reality (Y22) 4 2 Fateful Absence (MID) 18 4 Seek New Knowledge (HBG) 36 2 Undersimplify (HBG) 40 4 Teferi's Contingency (Y23) 27 2 Discover the Formula (Y22) 15 3 Divine Purge (Y22) 4 2 Depopulate (SNC) 10 2 Key to the Archive (Y22) 59 7 Island (DAR) 254 7 Plains (DAR) 250 4 Adarkar Wastes (DMU) 243 4 Deserted Beach (MID) 260 2 Forsaken Crossroads (Y22) 63 1 Otawara, Soaring City (NEO) 271 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (NEO) 268 Sideboard 1 Herald of Vengeance (Y22) 2 1 A-Hullbreaker Horror (VOW) 359 2 Negate (RIX) 44 2 Essence Scatter (M19) 54 2 Destroy Evil (DMU) 17 2 Runic Shot (DMU) 30 2 Sunset Revelry (MID) 38 3 Lantern of the Lost (VOW) 259
Deck 2 A Imperatriz Errante (NEO) 42 3 Teferi, Atrasador do Poente (MID) 245 4 Oráculo do Alfa (Y23) 4 1 Arauto da Vingança (Y22) 2 1 A-Horror Quebra-casco (VOW) 359 2 Fragmentar a Realidade (Y22) 4 2 Ausência Fatídica (MID) 18 4 Buscar Novo Conhecimento (HBG) 36 2 Simplificar Demais (HBG) 40 4 Contingência de Teferi (Y23) 27 2 Descobrir a Fórmula (Y22) 15 3 Expurgo Divino (Y22) 4 2 Despovoar (SNC) 10 2 Chave do Arquivo (Y22) 59 7 Ilha (DAR) 254 7 Planície (DAR) 250 4 Regiões Agrestes de Adarkar (DMU) 243 4 Praia Deserta (MID) 260 2 Encruzilhada Esquecida (Y22) 63 1 Otawara, Cidade Flutuante (NEO) 271 1 Eiganjo, Sede do Império (NEO) 268 Reserva 1 Arauto da Vingança (Y22) 2 1 A-Horror Quebra-casco (VOW) 359 2 Negar (RIX) 44 2 Espalhar Essência (M19) 54 2 Destruir o Mal (DMU) 17 2 Tiro Rúnico (DMU) 30 2 Festança do Ocaso (MID) 38 3 Lanterna dos Perdidos (VOW) 259
Deck 2 La emperatriz errante (NEO) 42 3 Teferi, el que retrasa el ocaso (MID) 245 4 Oráculo de las alfas (Y23) 4 1 Heraldo de la venganza (Y22) 2 1 A-Horror destrozacascos (VOW) 359 2 Fragmentar la realidad (Y22) 4 2 Ausencia fatídica (MID) 18 4 Buscar conocimiento nuevo (HBG) 36 2 Infrasimplificar (HBG) 40 4 Contingencia de Teferi (Y23) 27 2 Descubrir la fórmula (Y22) 15 3 Purga divina (Y22) 4 2 Despoblar (SNC) 10 2 Llave del archivo (Y22) 59 7 Isla (DAR) 254 7 Llanura (DAR) 250 4 Yermos de Adarkar (DMU) 243 4 Playa desierta (MID) 260 2 Encrucijada abandonada (Y22) 63 1 Otawara, ciudad flotante (NEO) 271 1 Eiganjo, trono del imperio (NEO) 268 Sideboard 1 Heraldo de la venganza (Y22) 2 1 A-Horror destrozacascos (VOW) 359 2 Negar (RIX) 44 2 Esparcir la esencia (M19) 54 2 Destruir el mal (DMU) 17 2 Disparo rúnico (DMU) 30 2 Fiestas del ocaso (MID) 38 3 Farol de los perdidos (VOW) 259