Rakdos Fable

531 Days to go

Creature 14 Instant 6 Sorcery 11 Enchantment 4 Land 25 Rarity 12 10 39 12

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Creature 14
2 Bloodthirsty Adversary
2 Bloodtithe Harvester
3 Crucias, Titan of the Waves
4 Citystalker Connoisseur
2 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
1 The Hourglass Coven
Instant 6
2 Cut Down
2 Abrade
2 Go for the Throat
Enchantment 4
4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker
Sorcery 11
4 Molten Impact
3 Undercity Plunder
4 Invoke Despair
Land 25
8 Swamp
1 Mountain
4 Sulfurous Springs
4 Haunted Ridge
1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
4 Forsaken Crossroads
2 Xander's Lounge
3 Duress
2 A-The Meathook Massacre
2 Abrade
3 Rahilda, Wanted Cutthroat
1 Unlicensed Hearse
2 Brotherhood's End
Deck 2 Cut Down (DMU) 89 2 Abrade (AKR) 136 2 Bloodthirsty Adversary (MID) 129 2 Bloodtithe Harvester (VOW) 232 2 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102 4 Molten Impact (Y22) 22 3 Undercity Plunder (Y22) 15 3 Crucias, Titan of the Waves (Y23) 18 4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker (NEO) 141 4 Citystalker Connoisseur (Y22) 27 2 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse (DMU) 107 4 Invoke Despair (NEO) 101 1 The Hourglass Coven (HBG) 45 8 Swamp (DAR) 258 1 Mountain (DAR) 262 4 Sulfurous Springs (DMU) 256 4 Haunted Ridge (MID) 263 1 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance (NEO) 276 1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (NEO) 278 4 Forsaken Crossroads (Y22) 63 2 Xander's Lounge (SNC) 260 Sideboard 3 Duress (XLN) 105 2 A-The Meathook Massacre (MID) 112 2 Abrade (AKR) 136 3 Rahilda, Wanted Cutthroat (Y22) 42 1 Unlicensed Hearse (SNC) 246 2 Brotherhood's End (BRO) 128
Deck 2 Elidir (DMU) 89 2 Abrasão (AKR) 136 2 Adversária Sanguinária (MID) 129 2 Coletor do Dízimo de Sangue (VOW) 232 2 Atacar na Jugular (BRO) 102 4 Impacto Fundente (Y22) 22 3 Saqueamento do Submundo (Y22) 15 3 Crucias, Titã das Ondas (Y23) 18 4 Fábula do Quebrador de Espelhos (NEO) 141 4 Connoisseur Espreitadora Urbana (Y22) 27 2 Sheoldred, o Apocalipse (DMU) 107 4 Invocar o Desespero (NEO) 101 1 Conventículo da Ampulheta (HBG) 45 8 Pântano (DAR) 258 1 Montanha (DAR) 262 4 Fontes Sulfurosas (DMU) 256 4 Cordilheira Assombrada (MID) 263 1 Sokenzan, Crisol da Afronta (NEO) 276 1 Takenuma, Charco Abandonado (NEO) 278 4 Encruzilhada Esquecida (Y22) 63 2 Saguão de Xander (SNC) 260 Reserva 3 Coagir (XLN) 105 2 A-O Massacre do Gancho de Carne (MID) 112 2 Abrasão (AKR) 136 3 Rahilda, Degoladora Procurada (Y22) 42 1 Rabecão Clandestino (SNC) 246 2 Fim da Fraternidade (BRO) 128
Deck 2 Destrizar (DMU) 89 2 Erosionar (AKR) 136 2 Adversaria sedienta de sangre (MID) 129 2 Cosechador de diezmos de sangre (VOW) 232 2 Golpe a la garganta (BRO) 102 4 Impacto ígneo (Y22) 22 3 Hurto en la subciudad (Y22) 15 3 Crucias, titán de las olas (Y23) 18 4 Fábula del rompe espejos (NEO) 141 4 Acechadora urbana experta (Y22) 27 2 Sheoldred, el Apocalipsis (DMU) 107 4 Invocar a la desesperación (NEO) 101 1 El Aquelarre del Reloj de Arena (HBG) 45 8 Pantano (DAR) 258 1 Montaña (DAR) 262 4 Manantiales sulfurosos (DMU) 256 4 Risco embrujado (MID) 263 1 Sokenzan, origen de la resistencia (NEO) 276 1 Takenuma, pantanos abandonados (NEO) 278 4 Encrucijada abandonada (Y22) 63 2 Salón de Xander (SNC) 260 Sideboard 3 Coacción (XLN) 105 2 A-La masacre de Ganchocarne (MID) 112 2 Erosionar (AKR) 136 3 Rahilda, degolladora buscada (Y22) 42 1 Vehículo fúnebre sin licencia (SNC) 246 2 Fin de la hermandad (BRO) 128