Azorius Auras

751 Days to go

Creature 17 Enchantment 17 Artifact 4 Land 22 Rarity 22 20 34 0

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1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den
Creature 17
4 Selfless Savior
3 Stormchaser Drake
2 Hushbringer
4 Kor Spiritdancer
4 Sram, Senior Edificer
Enchantment 17
3 Curious Obsession
3 Arcane Flight
4 Sentinel's Eyes
4 Cartouche of Solidarity
2 Staggering Insight
1 Aether Tunnel
Artifact 4
4 Esper Sentinel
Land 22
3 Island
7 Plains
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Hengegate Pathway
4 Hallowed Fountain
1 Cerulean Drake
4 Hushbringer
1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den
1 Spell Pierce
3 Portable Hole
2 Unlicensed Hearse
3 Heliod's Punishment
Companion 1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den (IKO) 226 Deck 4 Esper Sentinel (MH2) 12 4 Selfless Savior (M21) 36 3 Stormchaser Drake (VOW) 82 2 Hushbringer (ELD) 18 4 Kor Spiritdancer (JMP) 116 4 Sram, Senior Edificer (KLR) 32 3 Curious Obsession (RIX) 35 3 Arcane Flight (DAR) 43 4 Sentinel's Eyes (THB) 36 4 Cartouche of Solidarity (AKR) 8 2 Staggering Insight (THB) 228 1 Aether Tunnel (M19) 43 3 Island (DAR) 254 7 Plains (DAR) 250 4 Glacial Fortress (XLN) 255 4 Hengegate Pathway (KHM) 260 4 Hallowed Fountain (RNA) 251 Sideboard 1 Cerulean Drake (M20) 53 4 Hushbringer (ELD) 18 1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den (IKO) 226 1 Spell Pierce (XLN) 81 3 Portable Hole (AFR) 33 2 Unlicensed Hearse (SNC) 246 3 Heliod's Punishment (THB) 21
Companheiro 1 Lurrus da Toca Onírica (IKO) 226 Deck 4 Sentinela de Esper (MH2) 12 4 Salvador Altruísta (M21) 36 3 Dragonete Caçador de Tempestades (VOW) 82 2 Portadora da Quietude (ELD) 18 4 Dançarina dos Espíritos Kor (JMP) 116 4 Sram, Edificador Sênior (KLR) 32 3 Obsessão Curiosa (RIX) 35 3 Voo Arcano (DAR) 43 4 Olhos de Sentinela (THB) 36 4 Cártula da Solidariedade (AKR) 8 2 Visão Desconcertante (THB) 228 1 Túnel Etéreo (M19) 43 3 Ilha (DAR) 254 7 Planície (DAR) 250 4 Fortaleza Glacial (XLN) 255 4 Senda do Portal Megalítico (KHM) 260 4 Fonte Santificada (RNA) 251 Reserva 1 Dragonete Cerúleo (M20) 53 4 Portadora da Quietude (ELD) 18 1 Lurrus da Toca Onírica (IKO) 226 1 Perfurar Mágica (XLN) 81 3 Buraco Portátil (AFR) 33 2 Rabecão Clandestino (SNC) 246 3 Punição de Heliode (THB) 21
Compañero 1 Lurrus del Nido de Ensueño (IKO) 226 Deck 4 Centinela esperiano (MH2) 12 4 Salvador altruista (M21) 36 3 Draco cazatormentas (VOW) 82 2 Emisaria del silencio (ELD) 18 4 Bailarina espiritual kor (JMP) 116 4 Sram, edificador experto (KLR) 32 3 Curiosidad obsesiva (RIX) 35 3 Vuelo arcano (DAR) 43 4 Ojos de centinela (THB) 36 4 Cartucho de solidaridad (AKR) 8 2 Perspicacia asombrosa (THB) 228 1 Túnel de éter (M19) 43 3 Isla (DAR) 254 7 Llanura (DAR) 250 4 Fortaleza glacial (XLN) 255 4 Senda de Portal del Crómlech (KHM) 260 4 Fuente consagrada (RNA) 251 Sideboard 1 Draco cerúleo (M20) 53 4 Emisaria del silencio (ELD) 18 1 Lurrus del Nido de Ensueño (IKO) 226 1 Horadar el hechizo (XLN) 81 3 Agujero portátil (AFR) 33 2 Vehículo fúnebre sin licencia (SNC) 246 3 Castigo de Heliod (THB) 21