Mono Black Devotion

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Creature 26 Instant 3 Enchantment 7 Land 24 Rarity 14 20 35 6

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Creature 26
1 Tymaret, Chosen from Death
2 Murderous Rider
2 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse
3 Gray Merchant of Asphodel
3 Ayara, First of Locthwain
3 Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia
4 Cult Conscript
4 Gifted Aetherborn
4 Evolved Sleeper
Instant 3
3 Fatal Push
Enchantment 7
1 Dreadhorde Invasion
2 Xander's Wake
4 Sanguine Brushstroke
Land 24
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
3 Hive of the Eye Tyrant
4 Castle Locthwain
14 Swamp
1 Fatal Push
2 Phyrexian Obliterator
2 Liliana of the Veil
2 Noxious Grasp
4 Thoughtseize
4 Leyline of the Void
Deck 1 Tymaret, Chosen from Death (THB) 119 2 Murderous Rider (ELD) 97 2 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse (DMU) 107 3 Gray Merchant of Asphodel (THB) 99 3 Ayara, First of Locthwain (ELD) 75 3 Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia (MID) 108 4 Cult Conscript (DMU) 88 4 Gifted Aetherborn (JMP) 239 4 Evolved Sleeper (DMU) 93 3 Fatal Push (KLR) 84 1 Dreadhorde Invasion (WAR) 86 2 Xander's Wake (Y22) 9 4 Sanguine Brushstroke (Y22) 32 1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (NEO) 278 2 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx (RTR) 223 3 Hive of the Eye Tyrant (AFR) 258 4 Castle Locthwain (ELD) 241 14 Swamp (DAR) 258 Sideboard 1 Fatal Push (KLR) 84 2 Phyrexian Obliterator (NPH) 68 2 Liliana of the Veil (DMU) 97 2 Noxious Grasp (M20) 110 4 Thoughtseize (AKR) 127 4 Leyline of the Void (M20) 107
Deck 1 Tymaret, Escolhido pela Morte (THB) 119 2 Ginete Homicida (ELD) 97 2 Sheoldred, o Apocalipse (DMU) 107 3 Mercador Cinzento de Asfódelos (THB) 99 3 Ayara, Primeira de Locthwain (ELD) 75 3 Jadar, Invocador de Carniçais de Nefália (MID) 108 4 Recruta do Culto (DMU) 88 4 Etergênito Talentoso (JMP) 239 4 Adormecido Evoluído (DMU) 93 3 Empurrão Fatal (KLR) 84 1 Invasão da Horda Medonha (WAR) 86 2 Velório de Xander (Y22) 9 4 Pincelada Sangrenta (Y22) 32 1 Takenuma, Charco Abandonado (NEO) 278 2 Nyktos, Santuário de Nyx (RTR) 223 3 Colmeia do Olho Tirano (AFR) 258 4 Castelo de Locthwain (ELD) 241 14 Pântano (DAR) 258 Reserva 1 Empurrão Fatal (KLR) 84 2 Obliterador Phyrexiano (NPH) 68 2 Liliana do Véu (DMU) 97 2 Garras Nóxias (M20) 110 4 Capturar Pensamento (AKR) 127 4 Linha de Força do Vácuo (M20) 107
Deck 1 Tymaret, el Elegido de la Muerte (THB) 119 2 Jinete homicida (ELD) 97 2 Sheoldred, el Apocalipsis (DMU) 107 3 Comerciante plomizo de Asfodel (THB) 99 3 Ayara, la Primera de Nimboscuro (ELD) 75 3 Jadar, llamamuertos de Nephalia (MID) 108 4 Recluta sectario (DMU) 88 4 Etergénito excepcional (JMP) 239 4 Durmiente evolucionado (DMU) 93 3 Empujón fatal (KLR) 84 1 Invasión de la Horda del Terror (WAR) 86 2 Velatorio de Xander (Y22) 9 4 Pincelada sangrienta (Y22) 32 1 Takenuma, pantanos abandonados (NEO) 278 2 Nyktos, altar de Nyx (RTR) 223 3 Colmena del ojo tirano (AFR) 258 4 Castillo de Nimboscuro (ELD) 241 14 Pantano (DAR) 258 Sideboard 1 Empujón fatal (KLR) 84 2 Arrasador pirexiano (NPH) 68 2 Liliana del Velo (DMU) 97 2 Sujeción letal (M20) 110 4 Confiscar pensamientos (AKR) 127 4 Línea mística del vacío (M20) 107