Mono White Soldiers

561 Days to go

Creature 28 Sorcery 4 Artifact 4 Land 24 Rarity 19 12 25 4

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Creature 28
4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
4 Brutal Cathar
4 Guardian of New Benalia
4 Valiant Veteran
4 Myrel, Shield of Argive
4 Recruitment Officer
4 Siege Veteran
Sorcery 4
4 Lay Down Arms
Artifact 4
4 Yotian Frontliner
Land 24
19 Plains
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
4 Mishra's Foundry
Deck 19 Plains (DAR) 250 4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (DKA) 24 4 Brutal Cathar (MID) 7 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (NEO) 268 4 Guardian of New Benalia (DMU) 19 4 Valiant Veteran (DMU) 38 4 Lay Down Arms (BRO) 11 4 Myrel, Shield of Argive (BRO) 18 4 Recruitment Officer (BRO) 23 4 Siege Veteran (BRO) 25 4 Yotian Frontliner (BRO) 42 4 Mishra's Foundry (BRO) 265
Deck 19 Planície (DAR) 250 4 Thalia, Guardiã de Thraben (DKA) 24 4 Cátaro Brutal (MID) 7 1 Eiganjo, Sede do Império (NEO) 268 4 Guardiã de Nova Benália (DMU) 19 4 Veterano Valente (DMU) 38 4 Depor as Armas (BRO) 11 4 Myrel, Escudo de Argivo (BRO) 18 4 Oficial de Recrutamento (BRO) 23 4 Veterana de Cercos (BRO) 25 4 Vanguardeiro Yotiano (BRO) 42 4 Fundição de Mishra (BRO) 265
Deck 19 Llanura (DAR) 250 4 Thalia, guardiana de Thraben (DKA) 24 4 Cátaro brutal (MID) 7 1 Eiganjo, trono del imperio (NEO) 268 4 Guardiana de Nueva Benalia (DMU) 19 4 Veterano valiente (DMU) 38 4 Deponer las armas (BRO) 11 4 Myrel, Escudo de Argivia (BRO) 18 4 Oficial de alistamiento (BRO) 23 4 Veterana del asedio (BRO) 25 4 Yotiano de primera línea (BRO) 42 4 Fundición de Mishra (BRO) 265