Azorius Control

628 Days to go

Instant 15 Sorcery 15 Artifact 4 Land 26 Rarity 25 8 35 7

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Instant 15
1 Even the Score
1 March of Otherworldly Light
1 Fateful Absence
4 Union of the Third Path
4 Syncopate
4 Experimental Augury
Sorcery 15
1 Consuming Tide
1 Farewell
1 Blue Sun's Twilight
2 Silver Scrutiny
2 Depopulate
2 White Sun's Twilight
2 Witness the Future
4 Sunset Revelry
Artifact 4
4 Mindsplice Apparatus
Land 26
1 Otawara, Soaring City
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
2 Blast Zone
2 Raffine's Tower
3 Island
3 Deserted Beach
3 Adarkar Wastes
3 Plains
4 Tranquil Cove
4 Seachrome Coast
4 Jace, the Perfected Mind
2 Soulless Jailer
2 Negate
2 The Wandering Emperor
2 Lay Down Arms
1 Devious Cover-Up
2 Depopulate
Deck 1 Even the Score (SNC) 42 1 March of Otherworldly Light (NEO) 28 1 Consuming Tide (VOW) 53 1 Farewell (NEO) 13 1 Blue Sun's Twilight (ONE) 43 1 Fateful Absence (MID) 18 2 Silver Scrutiny (DMU) 65 2 Depopulate (SNC) 10 2 White Sun's Twilight (ONE) 38 2 Witness the Future (VOW) 90 4 Sunset Revelry (MID) 38 4 Union of the Third Path (BRO) 31 4 Syncopate (VOW) 83 4 Experimental Augury (ONE) 49 4 Mindsplice Apparatus (ONE) 63 1 Otawara, Soaring City (NEO) 271 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (NEO) 268 2 Blast Zone (WAR) 244 2 Raffine's Tower (SNC) 254 3 Island (ZNR) 381 3 Deserted Beach (MID) 260 3 Adarkar Wastes (DMU) 243 3 Plains (ZNR) 380 4 Tranquil Cove (NEO) 280 4 Seachrome Coast (ONE) 258 Sideboard 4 Jace, the Perfected Mind (ONE) 57 2 Soulless Jailer (ONE) 241 2 Negate (ZNR) 71 2 The Wandering Emperor (NEO) 42 2 Lay Down Arms (BRO) 11 1 Devious Cover-Up (MID) 48 2 Depopulate (SNC) 10
Deck 1 Acertar as Contas (SNC) 42 1 Marcha da Luz de Outro Mundo (NEO) 28 1 Maré Consumidora (VOW) 53 1 Adeus (NEO) 13 1 Crepúsculo do Sol Azul (ONE) 43 1 Ausência Fatídica (MID) 18 2 Escrutínio Argênteo (DMU) 65 2 Despovoar (SNC) 10 2 Crepúsculo do Sol Branco (ONE) 38 2 Testemunhar o Futuro (VOW) 90 4 Festança do Ocaso (MID) 38 4 União da Terceira Via (BRO) 31 4 Sincopar (VOW) 83 4 Augúrio Experimental (ONE) 49 4 Aparato de União Mental (ONE) 63 1 Otawara, Cidade Flutuante (NEO) 271 1 Eiganjo, Sede do Império (NEO) 268 2 Zona de Explosão (WAR) 244 2 Torre de Raffine (SNC) 254 3 Ilha (ZNR) 381 3 Praia Deserta (MID) 260 3 Regiões Agrestes de Adarkar (DMU) 243 3 Planície (ZNR) 380 4 Angra Tranquila (NEO) 280 4 Costa do Mar de Cromo (ONE) 258 Reserva 4 Jace, a Mente Aperfeiçoada (ONE) 57 2 Carcereiro Desalmado (ONE) 241 2 Negar (ZNR) 71 2 A Imperatriz Errante (NEO) 42 2 Depor as Armas (BRO) 11 1 Abafamento Malicioso (MID) 48 2 Despovoar (SNC) 10
Deck 1 Igualar las cuentas (SNC) 42 1 Marcha de la luz espectral (NEO) 28 1 Marea engullidora (VOW) 53 1 Adiós (NEO) 13 1 Ocaso del sol azul (ONE) 43 1 Ausencia fatídica (MID) 18 2 Escrutinio de plata (DMU) 65 2 Despoblar (SNC) 10 2 Ocaso del sol blanco (ONE) 38 2 Ver el futuro (VOW) 90 4 Fiestas del ocaso (MID) 38 4 Unión del Tercer Camino (BRO) 31 4 Sincopar (VOW) 83 4 Augurio experimental (ONE) 49 4 Aparato expandementes (ONE) 63 1 Otawara, ciudad flotante (NEO) 271 1 Eiganjo, trono del imperio (NEO) 268 2 Zona de explosión (WAR) 244 2 Torre de Raffine (SNC) 254 3 Isla (ZNR) 381 3 Playa desierta (MID) 260 3 Yermos de Adarkar (DMU) 243 3 Llanura (ZNR) 380 4 Cala tranquila (NEO) 280 4 Costa de Cromo Marítimo (ONE) 258 Sideboard 4 Jace, la Mente Perfeccionada (ONE) 57 2 Carcelero desalmado (ONE) 241 2 Negar (ZNR) 71 2 La emperatriz errante (NEO) 42 2 Deponer las armas (BRO) 11 1 Encubrimiento ladino (MID) 48 2 Despoblar (SNC) 10