Mono White Midrange

577 Days to go

Planeswalker 7 Creature 8 Instant 2 Sorcery 6 Enchantment 9 Artifact 4 Land 24 Rarity 19 18 28 10

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Planeswalker 7
1 Elspeth Resplendent
2 The Eternal Wanderer
4 The Wandering Emperor
Creature 8
2 Cathar Commando
2 Loran of the Third Path
2 Sanctuary Warden
2 Serra Paragon
Instant 2
2 Destroy Evil
Enchantment 9
2 Spirited Companion
3 The Restoration of Eiganjo
4 Wedding Announcement
Sorcery 6
2 Farewell
4 Lay Down Arms
Artifact 4
4 Reckoner Bankbuster
Land 24
4 Demolition Field
1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
4 Field of Ruin
13 Plains
2 Roadside Reliquary
2 Depopulate
1 Elspeth Resplendent
2 Fateful Absence
1 Loran of the Third Path
2 Ossification
3 Skrelv's Hive
2 Sunset Revelry
2 Unlicensed Hearse
Deck 2 Cathar Commando (MID) 10 4 Demolition Field (BRO) 260 2 Destroy Evil (DMU) 17 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (NEO) 268 1 Elspeth Resplendent (SNC) 11 2 Farewell (NEO) 13 4 Field of Ruin (XLN) 254 4 Lay Down Arms (BRO) 11 2 Loran of the Third Path (BRO) 12 13 Plains (DAR) 250 4 Reckoner Bankbuster (NEO) 255 2 Roadside Reliquary (NEO) 272 2 Sanctuary Warden (SNC) 30 2 Serra Paragon (DMU) 32 2 Spirited Companion (NEO) 38 2 The Eternal Wanderer (ONE) 11 3 The Restoration of Eiganjo (NEO) 34 4 The Wandering Emperor (NEO) 42 4 Wedding Announcement (VOW) 45 Sideboard 2 Depopulate (SNC) 10 1 Elspeth Resplendent (SNC) 11 2 Fateful Absence (MID) 18 1 Loran of the Third Path (BRO) 12 2 Ossification (ONE) 26 3 Skrelv's Hive (ONE) 34 2 Sunset Revelry (MID) 38 2 Unlicensed Hearse (SNC) 246
Deck 2 Comando Cátaro (MID) 10 4 Campo de Demolição (BRO) 260 2 Destruir o Mal (DMU) 17 1 Eiganjo, Sede do Império (NEO) 268 1 Elspeth Resplandecente (SNC) 11 2 Adeus (NEO) 13 4 Campo da Ruína (XLN) 254 4 Depor as Armas (BRO) 11 2 Loran da Terceira Via (BRO) 12 13 Planície (DAR) 250 4 Quebrabanco Justiceiro (NEO) 255 2 Relicário de Beira de Estrada (NEO) 272 2 Protetora do Santuário (SNC) 30 2 Exemplar de Serra (DMU) 32 2 Companheira Espirituosa (NEO) 38 2 A Errante Eterna (ONE) 11 3 A Restauração de Eiganjo (NEO) 34 4 A Imperatriz Errante (NEO) 42 4 Anúncio de Casamento (VOW) 45 Reserva 2 Despovoar (SNC) 10 1 Elspeth Resplandecente (SNC) 11 2 Ausência Fatídica (MID) 18 1 Loran da Terceira Via (BRO) 12 2 Ossificação (ONE) 26 3 Colmeia de Skrelv (ONE) 34 2 Festança do Ocaso (MID) 38 2 Rabecão Clandestino (SNC) 246
Deck 2 Incursora cátara (MID) 10 4 Campo de demolición (BRO) 260 2 Destruir el mal (DMU) 17 1 Eiganjo, trono del imperio (NEO) 268 1 Elspeth resplandeciente (SNC) 11 2 Adiós (NEO) 13 4 Campo de ruina (XLN) 254 4 Deponer las armas (BRO) 11 2 Loran del Tercer Camino (BRO) 12 13 Llanura (DAR) 250 4 Destruyebancos criminal (NEO) 255 2 Relicario del camino (NEO) 272 2 Guarda del santuario (SNC) 30 2 Ejemplar de Serra (DMU) 32 2 Compañero con espíritus (NEO) 38 2 La Errante Eterna (ONE) 11 3 La restauración de Eiganjo (NEO) 34 4 La emperatriz errante (NEO) 42 4 Anuncio de la boda (VOW) 45 Sideboard 2 Despoblar (SNC) 10 1 Elspeth resplandeciente (SNC) 11 2 Ausencia fatídica (MID) 18 1 Loran del Tercer Camino (BRO) 12 2 Osificación (ONE) 26 3 Colmena de Skrelv (ONE) 34 2 Fiestas del ocaso (MID) 38 2 Vehículo fúnebre sin licencia (SNC) 246